Tuesday, July 21, 2009

1 Nephi 16- 2 Nephi 4


  1. In 1 Nephi, Chapter 15, I saw a part of Nephi I never noticed before. He was a great brother. He takes time to talk with his brothers. He didn't talk above them or at them. He spoke with them. He said what needed to be said through the power of the Lord and was able to touch their hearts. A lot of times I think we don't say what we need to because we feel like we might offend or it's not our place. Not only does Nephi show that it is necessary but invaluable in the growth and communication of a family, especially within siblings. Nephi showed me that it's important that I communicate more and more with my siblings. Help them grow and help them feel appreciated and important, and like-wise humbly take criticizm and help from them.

  2. I've come to have a little sympathy for Laman and Lemuel. THey are hard hearted and stubborn and weak. They have seen an angel and have heard of their fathers visions from his own mouth. THey have seen miracles after prayerfully being sought after, by those more worthy in their family. And yet they still didn't believe and obey. THeir ship is going down in the storm because of their wickedness and relentless persecution of Nephi. What more can the Lord do to show them the way? Okay so it's easy to think they are pathetic but how different are we from them? Do we always obey even though we hear the word of God from our prophets own mouth? DO we see our own ships sinking and still continue to sin? THere are real lessons to learn form L&L as well as Nephis example.

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  4. Liz, that is so true. How often have I seen this example in my life. When I start to see the weather change, and the storms come in and not even care to humble myself to the Lord until the ship is about to turn over! Great comment Liz:) It touched home to me!
